Create a checkout with React and Three.js: Part 1

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This article might not necessarily be maintained. Please check the latest version of the documentation for up-to-date resources.

In this 2 part guide, we will learn how to build an interactive checkout experience using Commerce.js, React, Three.js, and React-Three-Fiber.

This guide uses the Commerce.js SDK (v2) and is a continuation of a previous guide— Create a Cart with React and Three.js.

View the live demo

Checkout animation


In this project, you will:

  • See how Commerce.js enables highly customized eCommerce checkouts
  • Use Commerce.js and Three.js to build a scalable checkout experience with 3D elements


You will need:

  • A code editor/IDE of your choice
  • A Chec account
  • Node.js
  • npm/yarn


It will help if you have some working knowledge of:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Bootstrap

Let's make a start


In addition to the technologies used in the previous guide, you will need to use "card-validator", which you can install with npm.

npm i card-validator

1. Uploading products

If you have completed the previous guide, feel free to skip this section. If you have not, start by creating a Chec account. Once you have logged in, navigate to Products.

Add a product titled "Vans Shoe" and leave the variants section empty.

Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page and open your code editor.

(For the sake of this guide, you will create a checkout with this single product. It is important to note that Commerce is immensely customizable, and it is easy to add products and variants to any store. If you would like to see how you can handle multiple products with variants, check out this guide.)

2. Setting up your file structure

This guide details a stand-alone checkout application. It is fairly straightforward to integrate it with the previous guides by using react-router. If you would like assistance setting up your routes, Kingmoc's guide covers routing in detail.

For this guide, you will need the following files and folders in your src folder.

|  |--Animation.js
|  |--Card.js
|  |--CardText.js
|  |--Controls.js
|  |--BackDrop.js
|  |--Scene.js
|  |--Skybox.js
|  |--CartCard.js
|  |--FormCard.js
|  |--FormCardWithAnimation.js
|  |--FormElement.js
|  |--Spinner.js

3. Adding CSS

Since this guide is not focused on styling, replace the content in your styles.css folder with the following code:

Click to show style.css
/* style.css */

canvas {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

* {
box-sizing: border-box;

  // background: white;
  background-color: #2D3047;
  background-image: linear-gradient(147deg, #2D3047 0%, #eae6e5 74%);
  background-attachment: fixed;
  overflow: scroll;

.infoCard {
  box-shadow: 0px 10px 30px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  transition: box-shadow 0.5s;
  will-change: transform;

  margin: 30px;
  padding: 15px;
  max-width: 500px;
  max-height: 1000px;
  z-index: 10;
  background-color: #413D44;
  overflow: hidden;

.form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  opacity: .4;
.form-label {
  color: #eae6e5;

.button {
  float: right

  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin: 15px;
  z-index: 100;

  text-align: center;
  color: white

.myCard {
  border-radius: 15px;

  max-width: 500px;
  max-height: 300px;
  z-index: 10;
  background: #413D44;
  box-shadow: inset -20px 20px 60px #37343a,
            inset 20px -20px 60px #4b464e;

#submit {
  margin: 10px 15px 15px 15px;
  padding: 15px;
  z-index: 10;
  font-size: 18px;

  color: white;
  font-size: 15px;

  color: white;
  font-size: 18px;
  float: right;

@media only screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
  #cart {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
  h4 {
    text-align: center;

#submissionSpinner {
  position: fixed;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;

4. useState() hooks for your checkout

Navigate to App.js. Since a checkout requires handling of quite a bit of information, a good deal of this file will be dedicated to logic. In the previous guides, you used React's useEffect() hook to fetch data from commerce and the useState() hook to manage the state of products. This guide will continue to use hooks to manage state. Import useEffect and useState from "react" and then declare the following:

State for your checkoutToken from Commerce.

// App.js

// The checkout token itself
const [checkoutToken, setCheckoutToken] = useState("");
// Line Items in the current checkout Token
const [lineItems, setLineItems] = useState("");

State for user inputs.

// Raw user input for Credit Card Info
const [cardState, setCardState] = useState({});

// Formatted Values for Credit Card Info
const [cardNum, setCardNum] = useState("");
const [cardName, setName] = useState("");
const [expDate, setExpDate] = useState("");
const [cvv, setCvv] = useState("");
const [cardType, setCardType] = useState("");

//State for Buyer Info
const [buyerFirstName, setBuyerFirstName] = useState("");
const [buyerLastName, setBuyerLastName] = useState("");
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [address, setAddress] = useState("");
const [city, setCity] = useState("");
const [geoState, setGeoState] = useState("");
const [zipCode, setZipCode] = useState("");

You will also want to have a few hooks to handle user validations.

const [validationInfo, setValidationInfo] = useState(null);
// State for popups
const [showSuccess, setShowSuccess] = useState(false);
const [showFail, setShowFail] = useState(false);
// Cart items to show at top of page
const [currentCart, setCurrentCart] = useState();
// Submission spinner toggle
const [spinnerVisible, setSpinnerVisible] = useState(false);

5a. Handling user inputs

In order to make your components reusable (and able to handle any user input you might desire), set up a generic state handler.

// App.js

const handleCardChange = (evt) => {
  const value =;
    []: value,

This handler takes advantage of the cardState hook to make a new key/value pair for any new input and also updates the value for any previously created pairing.

Now make a few functions that will allow you to format and validate user inputs (you will create the helper functions a little further along in this guide).

// App.js

const handleFormChange = (text) => {
  let userCardInput = formatCreditCard(text);
  //sets card number hook with formatted/validated input

const handleDateChange = (text) => {
  let userDateInput = dateCheck(text);
  //sets expiration date hook with formatted/validated input

const handleCvvChange = (text) => {
  let userCvvInput = cvvCheck(text);
  //sets cvv hook with formatted/validated input

The last handler you will need to make is a submission handler. Upon submission, this function will check for valid inputs, execute the checkout, and return success or error messages.

// App.js

const handleSubmit = (event) => {
  // checks for blank fields, etc. in a Bootstrap form
  const form = event.currentTarget;
  if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
  // Check the inputs for validity
  if (validateInputs(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv)) {
    // Enables spinner while the call to Commerce completes
    // Sends checkout to Commerce
  } else {
    // If something is wrong in form, figure out which field was improperly filled
    let fail = figureOutErrors(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv);
    // Scroll to top of page
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
    // Sets the appropriate variable for the error message display
    // Shows error message to user

5b. useEffect() hooks for your checkout

In order to handle all of the data needed for a checkout, you will be using several useEffect() hooks to keep track of the different lifecycle events this page will experience.

To initialize a checkout, you will need to make a call to Commerce and generate a checkout token. To do this, import Commerce and create a variable with your sandbox public key. Put it directly under the import section of App.js. (If needed, you can find your key in the Developer section of Chec Dashboard's 'Setup' tab).

// App.js
import Commerce from "@chec/commerce.js";

const commerce = new Commerce(

Now take advantage of useEffect() to generate a checkout token on page load. For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial is using a permalink that references a single product. If needed, you can find the permalink to your product in the Options section of Chec's Product Dashboard.

// App.js

useEffect(() => {
    .generateToken("YOUR PRODUCT PERMALINK", { type: "permalink" })
    .then((res) => {
    .catch((err) => {
      console.log("Something went wrong with the token generation", err);
}, []);

In most real-world cases, you will probably want to reference a user's previously created cart instead of one that is hard-coded. You can easily pass the needed cart ID via the url when you route to this page. To do so, just change the code for generateToken() to look something like this:

let cartId =;
commerce.checkout.generateToken('cartId', { type: "cart" })

It is also worth noting that, if needed, you can retrieve a previously generated token from Commerce in much the same manner as generating a new one. You would simply exchange the generateToken() method with getToken().

Now create a function that will handle the checkout once the user clicks the Complete Order button. Again, this guide presents a streamlined checkout experience. Commerce.js has many additional options available that are not reflected in the basic checkout below. To see an example of all the options available during a checkout experience, see the Commerce.js documentation.

// App.js

function executeCheckout(checkoutToken) {
    .capture(, {
      line_items: lineItems,
      conditionals: {
        collects_billing_address: true,
      customer: {
        firstname: buyerFirstName,
        lastname: buyerLastName,
        email: email,
      shipping: {
        name: `${buyerFirstName} ${buyerLastName}`,
        street: address,
        town_city: city,
        county_state: geoState,
        postal_zip_code: zipCode,
        country: "US",
      fulfillment: {
        // The shipping method ID for "USPS Ground" (for example)

        shipping_method: "ship_1ypbroE658n4ea",
      payment: {
        // Test Gateway is enabled by default, and is used when you submit orders with
        // your sandbox API key
        gateway: "test_gateway",
        card: {
          number: cardNum,
          expiry_month: expDate.substring(0, 2),
          expiry_year: expDate.substring(3, 5),
          cvc: cvv,
          postal_zip_code: zipCode,
    .then((response) => {
      // Triggers success popup message
      // Resets card state (which empties all entry fields)
      // Empties the user's 'current cart' at top of page
      // Cancels spinner triggered by clicking the "complete order" button.
      // Return to top of page
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);
      // You could save responseId to hook here and then pass that via url to response page
        "Great, your checkout was captured successfully! Checkout the response object for receipt info.",
    .catch((error) => {
      // Sets the variable in the failure user message
      // Cancels spinner triggered by clicking the "complete order" button.
      // Shows error message to user
      // Scrolls to top of page
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);

Now that you have created a function to handle the checkout, set up a hook that will capture the line items in a user's cart when a checkout token is generated and format them for use in the executeCheckout() function you just created.

 // App.js

useEffect(() => {
  // Whenever checkoutToken is updated, finds current line items and formats them for the checkout object
  if (checkoutToken.line_items !== undefined) {
    let itemsInCart = {};
    checkoutToken.line_items.forEach((item) => {
      itemsInCart = {
        []: {
          quantity: 1,
}, [checkoutToken]);

A cart is not all that you will need for a checkout, however. You also need to handle user inputs. To do this, set up a useEffect hook that watches for changes in cardState. This handles user inputs (and makes them more readible and accessible later). You can also use ternary operators to separate user inputs into individual hooks if they are truthy.

// App.js

useEffect(() => {
  // Each of the following looks for an entry in a field and, if there is one, updates the corresponding hook
    ? handleFormChange(cardState.cardNum)
    : handleFormChange("");
    ? handleDateChange(cardState.expDate)
    : handleDateChange("");
  cardState.cvv ? handleCvvChange(cardState.cvv) : handleCvvChange("");
  cardState.cardName ? setName(cardState.cardName) : setName("");
    ? setBuyerFirstName(cardState.buyerFirstName)
    : setBuyerFirstName("");
    ? setBuyerLastName(cardState.buyerLastName)
    : setBuyerLastName(""); ? setEmail( : setEmail("");
  cardState.address ? setAddress(cardState.address) : setAddress(""); ? setCity( : setCity("");
  cardState.geoState ? setGeoState(cardState.geoState) : setGeoState("");
  cardState.zipCode ? setZipCode(cardState.zipCode) : setZipCode("");
}, [cardState]);

Now, in order for your animation to change when the user types in different credit card numbers, you need to create a listener for the cardNum hook.


// Sets card type when the card number changes. This is used to change the animation backgound image
useEffect(() => {
  const currentCard = findCardType(cardNum);
}, [cardNum]);

At this point, App.js should look something like this:

Click to see `App.js` at this juncture
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import "./styles.scss";

const commerce = new Commerce(

export default function App() {
  const [validationInfo, setValidationInfo] = useState(null);
  const [showSuccess, setShowSuccess] = useState(false);
  const [showFail, setShowFail] = useState(false);
  const [checkoutToken, setCheckoutToken] = useState("");
  const [lineItems, setLineItems] = useState("");
  const [currentCart, setCurrentCart] = useState();
  const [spinnerVisible, setSpinnerVisible] = useState(false);
  const [cardState, setCardState] = useState({});
  const [cardNum, setCardNum] = useState("");
  const [cardName, setName] = useState("");
  const [expDate, setExpDate] = useState("");
  const [cvv, setCvv] = useState("");
  const [cardType, setCardType] = useState("");
  const [buyerFirstName, setBuyerFirstName] = useState("");
  const [buyerLastName, setBuyerLastName] = useState("");
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
  const [address, setAddress] = useState("");
  const [city, setCity] = useState("");
  const [geoState, setGeoState] = useState("");
  const [zipCode, setZipCode] = useState("");

  const handleCardChange = (evt) => {
    const value =;
      []: value,

  const handleFormChange = (text) => {
    let userCardInput = formatCreditCard(text);

  const handleDateChange = (text) => {
    let userDateInput = dateCheck(text);

  const handleCvvChange = (text) => {
    let userCvvInput = cvvCheck(text);

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
    const form = event.currentTarget;
    if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
    if (validateInputs(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv)) {
    } else {
      let fail = figureOutErrors(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv);
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);

  useEffect(() => {
      .generateToken("prodRqEv5xOVPoZz4j", { type: "permalink" })
      .then((res) => {
      .catch((err) => {
        console.log("Something went wrong with the token generation", err);
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (checkoutToken.line_items !== undefined) {
      let itemsInCart = {};
      checkoutToken.line_items.forEach((item) => {
        itemsInCart = {
          []: {
            quantity: 1,
  }, [checkoutToken]);

  function executeCheckout(checkoutToken) {
      .capture(, {
        line_items: lineItems,
        conditionals: {
          collects_billing_address: true,
        customer: {
          firstname: buyerFirstName,
          lastname: buyerLastName,
          email: email,
        shipping: {
          name: `${buyerFirstName} ${buyerLastName}`,
          street: address,
          town_city: city,
          county_state: geoState,
          postal_zip_code: zipCode,
          country: "US",
        fulfillment: {
          shipping_method: "ship_1ypbroE658n4ea",
        payment: {
          gateway: "test_gateway",
          card: {
            number: cardNum,
            expiry_month: expDate.substring(0, 2),
            expiry_year: expDate.substring(3, 5),
            cvc: cvv,
            postal_zip_code: zipCode,
      .then((response) => {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);
          "Great, your checkout was captured successfully! Checkout the response object for receipt info.",
      .catch((error) => {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);

  useEffect(() => {
      ? handleFormChange(cardState.cardNum)
      : handleFormChange("");
      ? handleDateChange(cardState.expDate)
      : handleDateChange("");
    cardState.cvv ? handleCvvChange(cardState.cvv) : handleCvvChange("");
    cardState.cardName ? setName(cardState.cardName) : setName("");
      ? setBuyerFirstName(cardState.buyerFirstName)
      : setBuyerFirstName("");
      ? setBuyerLastName(cardState.buyerLastName)
      : setBuyerLastName(""); ? setEmail( : setEmail("");
    cardState.address ? setAddress(cardState.address) : setAddress(""); ? setCity( : setCity("");
    cardState.geoState ? setGeoState(cardState.geoState) : setGeoState("");
    cardState.zipCode ? setZipCode(cardState.zipCode) : setZipCode("");
  }, [cardState]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const currentCard = findCardType(cardNum);
  }, [cardNum]);

  return (

6. Writing helper functions

Before adding more to App.js, turn your attention to helperFunctions.js. Here, create some exported functions that will validate a user's inputs.

First, you should create a function that checks if a user's card number, cvv, and expiration date are valid.

// helperFunctions.js

import valid from "card-validator";
export function validateInputs(name, number, date, cvv) {
  // check for a (potentially) valid credit card number
  const numberValidation = valid.number(number).isValid;
  const nameValidation = typeof name === "string" ? true : false;
  const expValidation = valid.expirationDate(date).isValid;
  const cvvValidation = valid.cvv(cvv).isValid;

  // if all are valid, return true1
  if (numberValidation && nameValidation && expValidation && cvvValidation) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Then make a function that will return a string, indicating which input was invalid. (You will later integrate this with an alert which uses the returned value in a template literal, and displays it to the user).

// helperFunctions.js

export function figureOutErrors(name, number, date, cvv) {
  if (typeof name !== "string") {
    return "name";
  if (valid.number(number).isValid !== true) {
    return "card number";
  if (valid.expirationDate(date).isValid !== true) {
    return "expiration date";
  if (valid.cvv(cvv).isValid !== true) {
    return "security code";

It is also important to control user inputs for security reasons. You can use regex to control what characters a user is allowed to type in a given field. The following functions limit which characters a user is allowed to use and format their inputs properly (so that they look standard on the page).

// helperFunctions.js

// Sanitizes card input
function cleanInput(value) {
  return value.replace(/\D+/g, "");

// Formats credit card based on type
export function formatCreditCard(value) {
  // Brings in cleaned value inputted
  const cleanValue = cleanInput(value);
  // Find first number of card (since cards have unique first numbers, this tells the type of card used).
  const firstNumber = cleanValue.charAt(0);
  let currentValue;

  switch (firstNumber) {
    // 3 is for American Express (which has different formatting than other cards).
    case "3":
      currentValue = `${cleanValue.slice(0, 4)} ${cleanValue.slice(
      )} ${cleanValue.slice(10, 15)}`;
    // Sets up formatting for normal cards (into groups of 4 numbers)
      currentValue = `${cleanValue.slice(0, 4)} ${cleanValue.slice(
      )} ${cleanValue.slice(8, 12)} ${cleanValue.slice(12, 16)}`;
  return currentValue.trim();

// formats mm/yy date
export function dateCheck(text) {
  let cleanText = text.replace(/\D/g, "").replace(/\W/gi, "");
  let all = cleanText.split("");
  if (all.length <= 2) {
    let joined = all.join("");
    return joined;
  } else {
    all.splice(2, 0, "/");
    let sliced = all.length > 5 ? all.slice(0, 5) : all;
    let formatted = sliced.join("");
    return formatted;

// Formats CVV
export function cvvCheck(text) {
  let cleanText = text.replace(/\D/g, "").replace(/\W/gi, "");
  let all = cleanText.split("");
  let sliced = all.length > 4 ? all.slice(0, 4) : all;
  let formatted = sliced.join("");

  return formatted;

7. Creating a reusable card

Since there are many different pieces of information you may wish to collect during a checkout process, it is good to create a reusable component to collect that data. In this case, navigate to FormElement.js. This reusable component takes in information via props and returns a single text input field.


import React from "react";
import { Form, Col } from "react-bootstrap";

function FormElement(props) {
  return (
    <Form.Group as={Col} sm={props.smallColSize} controlId={props.controlId}>
      <Form.Label color="light">{props.formLabel}</Form.Label>

export default FormElement;

Now move to FormCard.js. Here, make a component that will create a Bootstrap card with multiple input fields (created with the FormElement component).


import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Row, Form, Card, Col } from "react-bootstrap";
import FormElement from "./FormElement";

function FormCard(props) {
  return (
        <Card as={Col} sm={12} className="rounded infoCard">
          {/* Card Title */}
          <h1 className="text-center mt-4">{props.title}</h1>
          <Form onSubmit={props.handleSubmit} className="p-4">
              {/* Iterates through the fields stipulated and renders an input for each */}
              { => (

export default FormCard;

To make your card more interesting, add some animation. Use the react-spring hook useSpring() and react's useState() to add an animation on hover. First, import useSpring and animated from react-spring. Then, declare a boolean variable to hold the hovered state.

import {useSpring, animated} from "react-spring";
const [hovered, setHovered] = useState(false);

Then use a ternary operator to declare how you wish to see the css change when your card is hovered.

const hovering = useSpring({
    transform: hovered
      ? "translate3d(0px,0,0) scale(1.05) rotateX(0deg)"
      : "translate3d(0px,0,0) scale(1) rotateX(0deg)",

To hook it all together, wrap your card in an animated.div that toggles the hovered state and sets the style to represent your previously declared values. Once you've done this, FormCard.js should look something like:

// FormCard.js

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Row, Form, Card, Col } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useSpring, animated } from "react-spring";
import FormElement from "./FormElement";

function FormCard(props) {
  // Animation Value
  const [hovered, setHovered] = useState(false);
  // Sets animation for the form when user hovers over it
  const hovering = useSpring({
    transform: hovered
      ? "translate3d(0px,0,0) scale(1.05) rotateX(0deg)"
      : "translate3d(0px,0,0) scale(1) rotateX(0deg)",

  return (
      onPointerOver={() => setHovered(true)}
      onPointerOut={() => setHovered(false)}
        <Card as={Col} sm={12} className="rounded infoCard">
          {/* Card Title */}
          <h1 className="text-center mt-4">{props.title}</h1>
          <Form onSubmit={props.handleSubmit} className="p-4">
              {/* Iterates through the fields stipulated and renders an input for each */}
              { => (
export default FormCard;

As you can see above, mapping through props.formDetails creates each text field. Create those details now by navigating to your FormContents folder. Once there, create a file called BuyerFormDetails. This file only needs to hold a single, exported function. This function takes in variables (which will be supplied by the user) and returns the information needed to create a Bootstrap card.

Click to see BuyerFormDetails.js
// BuyerFormDetails.js

const BuyerFormDetails = (
) => [
    controlId: "buyerFirstName",
    smallColSize: 6,
    value: buyerFirstName,
    formLabel: "First Name",
    placeholder: "Bob",
    name: "buyerFirstName",
    controlId: "buyerLastName",
    smallColSize: 6,
    value: buyerLastName,
    formLabel: "Last Name",
    placeholder: "Smith",
    name: "buyerLastName",
    controlId: "email",
    smallColSize: 12,
    value: email,
    formLabel: "Email",
    placeholder: "[email protected]",
    name: "email",
    controlId: "address",
    smallColSize: 12,
    value: address,
    formLabel: "Address",
    placeholder: "1234 Example Ave.",
    name: "address",
    controlId: "city",
    smallColSize: 6,
    value: city,
    formLabel: "City",
    placeholder: "New York",
    name: "city",
    controlId: "geoState",
    smallColSize: 2,
    value: geoState,
    formLabel: "State",
    placeholder: "NY",
    name: "geoState",
    controlId: "zipCode",
    smallColSize: 4,
    value: zipCode,
    formLabel: "Zip Code",
    placeholder: "10001",
    name: "zipCode",
export default BuyerFormDetails;

While you are here, go ahead and create a second file in the FormContents folder entitled CardFormDetails.js. It will contain the needed information for the credit card form.

Click to see CardFormDetails.js
// CardFormDetails.js

const CardFormDetails = (cardNum, cardName, expDate, cvv) => [
    controlId: "cardNumber",
    smallColSize: 12,
    value: cardNum,
    formLabel: "Card Number",
    placeholder: "•••• •••• •••• ••••",
    name: "cardNum",
    controlId: "cardName",
    smallColSize: 12,
    value: cardName,
    formLabel: "Name on Card",
    placeholder: "Bob Smith",
    name: "cardName",
    controlId: "expirationDate",
    smallColSize: 6,
    value: expDate,
    formLabel: "Expiration Date",
    placeholder: "01/23",
    name: "expDate",
    controlId: "cvv",
    smallColSize: 6,
    value: cvv,
    formLabel: "Security Code",
    placeholder: "123",
    name: "cvv",
export default CardFormDetails;

You will also need a submission button for your cards. Create one now in App.js.


  <Col className={"text-center mb-3"}>
      Complete Order

At this point, navigate to CartCard.js and create a Bootstrap Card that takes in the user's current cart details and displays them. For this guide, the display can be fairly simple— just line items, individual prices, and the total price. If you would like to explore some of the other cart data that Commerce.js makes available, check out their documentation


import React from "react";
import { Row, Col, Card } from "react-bootstrap";

function CartCard(props) {
  // Sets up a 'current cart' for the user (so they know what they're buying

  let cart;
  // If there is a cart, set variable 'cart' to reflect line items in it
  props.currentCart ? (cart = props.currentCart.line_items) : (cart = []);

  return (
    <Card id="cart">
        style={{ color: "white", fontSize: "20px" }}
        Your Order
        {/* Iterates through items in cart and makes a row for each, displaying the item name and price */}
        { => (
          <Row key={}>
              <p style={{ float: "left" }} className="m-2">
              <p style={{ float: "right" }} className="m-2">
        {/* This displays the total price of all items in a user's cart */}
        <h4 className="text-center m-2">
          Total:{" "}
            : "$0"}

export default CartCard;

Now return to App.js. Earlier, your component currently does not return anything other than an empty fragment. Place the following code into your file (and make sure to import the needed elements).


      <Col md={true}></Col>
        <CartCard currentCart={currentCart} />
          title={"Customer Details"}
        <CustomButton onSubmit={handleSubmit} text={"Complete Order"} />
      <Col md={true}></Col>
Click here to see what `App.js` looks like at this point.
// App.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Row, Col, Container } from "react-bootstrap";
import {
} from "./helperFunctions";
import FormCard from "./CardElements/FormCard";
import CartCard from "./CardElements/CartCard";
import CardFormDetails from "./FormContents/CardFormDetails";
import BuyerFormDetails from "./FormContents/BuyerFormDetails";
import CustomButton from "./CardElements/CustomButton";
import "./styles.scss";
import Commerce from "@chec/commerce.js";

const commerce = new Commerce("YOUR SANDBOX KEY GOES HERE");

function App() {
  // The checkout token itself
  const [checkoutToken, setCheckoutToken] = useState("");
  // Line Items in the current checkout Token
  const [lineItems, setLineItems] = useState("");
  // Raw user input for Credit Card Info
  const [cardState, setCardState] = useState({});

  // Formatted values for credit card Info
  const [cardNum, setCardNum] = useState("");
  const [cardName, setName] = useState("");
  const [expDate, setExpDate] = useState("");
  const [cvv, setCvv] = useState("");
  const [cardType, setCardType] = useState("");

  // State for buyer info
  const [buyerFirstName, setBuyerFirstName] = useState("");
  const [buyerLastName, setBuyerLastName] = useState("");
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
  const [address, setAddress] = useState("");
  const [city, setCity] = useState("");
  const [geoState, setGeoState] = useState("");
  const [zipCode, setZipCode] = useState("");
  const [validationInfo, setValidationInfo] = useState(null);
  // State for success/fail popup notifications
  const [showSuccess, setShowSuccess] = useState(false);
  const [showFail, setShowFail] = useState(false);
  // Submission spinner toggle
  const [spinnerVisible, setSpinnerVisible] = useState(false);

  const handleCardChange = (evt) => {
    const value =;
      []: value,

  const handleFormChange = (text) => {
    let userCardInput = formatCreditCard(text);
    // Sets card number hook with formatted/validated input

  const handleDateChange = (text) => {
    let userDateInput = dateCheck(text);
    // Sets expiration date hook with formatted/validated input

  const handleCvvChange = (text) => {
    let userCvvInput = cvvCheck(text);
    // Sets cvv hook with formatted/validated input

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
    // Checks for blank fields, etc. in the Bootstrap form
    const form = event.currentTarget;
    if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
    // Check the inputs for validity
    if (validateInputs(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv)) {
      // Enables spinner while the call to Commerce completes
      // Sends checkout to Commerce
    } else {
      // If something is wrong in form, figure out which field was improperly filled
      let fail = figureOutErrors(cardName, cardNum, expDate, cvv);
      // scroll to top of page
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);
      // Sets the appropriate variable for the error message display
      // Shows error message to user

  useEffect(() => {
      .generateToken("YOUR PRODUCT PERMALINK GOES HERE", { type: "permalink" })
      .then((res) => {
      .catch((err) => {
        console.log("Something went wrong with the token generation", err);
  }, []);

  function executeCheckout(checkoutToken) {
      .capture(, {
        line_items: lineItems,
        conditionals: {
          collects_billing_address: true,
        customer: {
          firstname: buyerFirstName,
          lastname: buyerLastName,
          email: email,
        shipping: {
          name: `${buyerFirstName} ${buyerLastName}`,
          street: address,
          town_city: city,
          county_state: geoState,
          postal_zip_code: zipCode,
          country: "US",
        fulfillment: {
          // The shipping method ID for "USPS Ground" (for example)

          shipping_method: "ship_1ypbroE658n4ea",
        payment: {
          // Test Gateway is enabled by default, and is used when you submit orders with
          // your sandbox API key
          gateway: "test_gateway",
          card: {
            number: cardNum,
            expiry_month: expDate.substring(0, 2),
            expiry_year: expDate.substring(3, 5),
            cvc: cvv,
            postal_zip_code: zipCode,
      .then((response) => {
        // Triggers success popup message
        // Resets card state (which empties all entry fields)
        // Empties the user's 'current cart' at top of page
        // Cancels spinner triggered by clicking the "complete order" button.
        // Return to top of page
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);
        // You could save responseId to hook here and then pass that via url to response page
          "Great, your checkout was captured successfully! Checkout the response object for receipt info.",
      .catch((error) => {
        // Sets the variable in the failure user message
        // Cancels spinner triggered by clicking the "complete order" button.
        // Shows error message to user
        // scrolls to top of page
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Whenever checkoutToken is updated, finds current line items and formats them for the checkout object
    if (checkoutToken.line_items !== undefined) {
      let itemsInCart = {};
      checkoutToken.line_items.forEach((item) => {
        itemsInCart = {
          []: {
            quantity: 1,
  }, [checkoutToken]);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Each of the following looks for an entry in a field and, if there is one, updates the corresponding hook
      ? handleFormChange(cardState.cardNum)
      : handleFormChange("");
      ? handleDateChange(cardState.expDate)
      : handleDateChange("");
    cardState.cvv ? handleCvvChange(cardState.cvv) : handleCvvChange("");
    cardState.cardName ? setName(cardState.cardName) : setName("");
      ? setBuyerFirstName(cardState.buyerFirstName)
      : setBuyerFirstName("");
      ? setBuyerLastName(cardState.buyerLastName)
      : setBuyerLastName(""); ? setEmail( : setEmail("");
    cardState.address ? setAddress(cardState.address) : setAddress(""); ? setCity( : setCity("");
    cardState.geoState ? setGeoState(cardState.geoState) : setGeoState("");
    cardState.zipCode ? setZipCode(cardState.zipCode) : setZipCode("");
  }, [cardState]);

  // Sets card type when the card Number changes. This is used to change the animation backgound img
  useEffect(() => {
    const currentCard = findCardType(cardNum);
  }, [cardNum]);
  return (
        <Col md={true}></Col>
          <CartCard currentCart={currentCart} />
            title={"Customer Details"}
          <CustomButton onSubmit={handleSubmit} text={"Complete Order"} />
        <Col md={true}></Col>

export default App;

Since you created FormCard as a pure function, you can collect whatever additional information you may desire— all you need to do is declare a new <FormCard /> and pass in the details via the formDetails prop.

Part 2 of this guide we will:

  • Animate the checkout
  • Create a form
  • Make the animation dynamic
  • Set up Alerts/ Notifications