
The checkout resource is used to navigate your customers through the transaction and shipping stage of a purchasing flow. A checkout captures data sent from the cart along with the item information, line item IDs, any shipping or billing information as well as tax and shipping rates. The checkout resource is a verbose endpoint that comes with additional helpers eg. Checkout helpers and Services to fully manage your customer's purchasing experience. See here for more high-level concepts on the Checkout resource.

Generate token

Checkout diagram

The generateToken() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{id} to generate a checkout token which can be used to initiate the process of capturing an order from a cart. generateTokenFrom() gets a new checkout token from a specific identifier type. See below for the example request.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.generateToken('white-shirt', { type: 'permalink' })
  .then((checkout) => console.log(

// Gets a new checkout token from a specific identifier type
commerce.checkout.generateTokenFrom('permalink', 'white-shirt')
  .then((checkout) => console.log(
Method Description
generateToken(identifier, data) Gets a new checkout token
generateTokenFrom(type, identifier) Gets a new checkout token using a specified type of identifier

Upon a successful request, a checkout token object will be returned which contains everything you need to create your checkout page.


Checkout tokens can only be used once and expire after 7 days.


For more information, refer to the full response for generating a checkout token.

Capture order

The capture() method uses POST v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id} to capture an order and payment by providing the checkout token and necessary data for the order to be completed. The resolved promise returns an order object which can be used for receipt.

Example request using Commerce.js with specific variant groups and options in the line items:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.capture('chkt_959gvxcZ6lnJ7', {
  line_items: {
    item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V: {
      quantity: 1,
      selected_options: {
        vgrp_p6dP5g0M4ln7kA: 'optn_DeN1ql93doz3ym'
  customer: {
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe',
    email: '[email protected]'
  shipping: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    street: '123 Fake St',
    town_city: 'San Francisco',
    county_state: 'US-CA',
    postal_zip_code: '94103',
    country: 'US'
  fulfillment: {
    shipping_method: 'ship_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V'
  billing: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    street: '234 Fake St',
    town_city: 'San Francisco',
    county_state: 'US-CA',
    postal_zip_code: '94103',
    country: 'US'
  payment: {
    gateway: 'stripe',
    card: {
      token: 'irh98298g49'
  pay_what_you_want: '149.99'
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
capture(token, data) Capture a checkout by its token ID

In response to a successful checkout capture, you'll get all the information for the order you need to show a confirmation page to your customer, including the id (the order ID), the customer_reference (customer's order reference), and much more. Note that you may want to store the response in local state since fetching the data again would require a secret key.

Key-value multi-dimensional arrays/objects/hashes are used to immediately associate values with their parent(s) ID when submitting data. For example with line items, the key would be the line_item_id and the related values would be nested under that key.

  • Line item's quantity: line_items[{line_item_id}][quantity]
  • Line item's variant group and selected option: line_items[{line_item_id}][variants][{group_id}] = {option_id} OR
  • Line items's requested variant id: line_items[{line_item_id}][variant_id] = {variant_id}

Note that specifying the line_items is optional in the checkout capture payload unless you have either:

  • Changed the quantity of a line item at the checkout level or
  • Want to specify variants that have not yet been applied or checked.

Providing variants in the line items is optional as well. If your product does not have variants or if you've used the check variant checkout helper method, then you do not need to specify the variants in your checkout capture payload.

Example request capturing a checkout using a specific variant ID:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.capture('chkt_959gvxcZ6lnJ7', {
  line_items: {
    item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V: {
      quantity: 1,
      variant_id: 'vrnt_bO6J5apWnVoEjp'
  // ...
}).then((response) => console.log(response));

When using PayPal, the response returned will contain the information required for you to redirect your customer to PayPal in order to complete their transaction. Read more here for required parameters to send when using PayPal, or see here for the PayPal documentation.


For more information, refer to the full response for capturing a checkout.

Get existing token

The getToken() method uses GET v1/checkouts/tokens/{checkout_token_id} to return an existing checkout token by it's ID. The output from this request will be the same as that of .generateToken().

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.getToken('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA').then((token) => console.log(token));
Method Description
getToken(token) Gets information about the checkout token

For more information, refer to the full response for getting an existing checkout token.

Checkout helpers

Checkout helper functions are provided to help create custom checkout flows and handle all common commerce logic that would otherwise be complex. Every time a checkout helper endpoint is called, an object called the live object will be updated and the returned data is then typically used to update the checkout UI. All checkout helpers that affect price (e.g. check quantity, check variant, check discount, etc) will return the live object.

Get the live object

The live object is a living object which updates to show the live tax rates, prices, and totals for a checkout token. The getLive() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/live to return the current checkout live object.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce({})

Commerce.checkout.getLive('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA').then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
getLive(token) Gets the current "live" object

For more information, refer to the full response for getting the live object.

Check "Pay What You Want"

If you have enabled "Pay What You Want" pricing, your customers are able to choose the amount they pay. The checkPayWhatYouWant() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/check/pay_what_you_want to validate and saves the desired "Pay What You Want" amount for the provided checkout token, if enabled. If the amount is too low, an invalid response will be returned with the minimum amount required.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkPayWhatYouWant('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', {
  customer_set_price: '100.00',
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
checkPayWhatYouWant(token, data) Checks whether a checkout has "pay what you want" enabled

Check variant

The checkVariant() method uses GET /v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/check/{line_item_id}/variant to validate that the provided variant ID or group ID and variant option IDs are valid and available for the specified checkout token and line item ID.

Example request checking if a variant is valid using a specific variant ID:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkVariant('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', 'item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V', { variant_id: 'vrnt_Kvg9l6Apq51bB7' })
  .then(response => console.log(response.available));

Example request checking if a variant is valid by specifying variant group and option:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkVariant('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', 'item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V', {
  group_id: 'vgrp_Kvg9l6Apq51bB7',
  option_id: 'optn_3BkyN5YDRo0b69',
}).then(response => console.log(response.available));
Method Description
checkVariant(checkoutTokenId, lineItemId, variantData) Checks whether the provided variant or variant group and variant option is valid or available

Check requested quantity

The checkQuantity() method uses GET /v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/check/{line_item_id}/quantity to validate that the requested quantity is available for the provided line item ID, and adjusts it in the order. If your line item has variants, then the variant ID, or variant group ID and selected option ID for it, must have either been added to the checkout already (using the "check variant" helper, or when you create your cart), or must be provided as request parameters.

Example request checking if an item or item variant is available by specifying the line item ID and/or variant:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkQuantity('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', 'item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V', {
  amount: 2,
  variant_id: 'vrnt_3BkyN5YDRo0b69',
  .then((response) => console.log(response.available));

Example request checking if an item or item variant is available by specifying the line item ID and/or variant group and option:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkQuantity('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', 'item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V', {
  amount: 2,
  variants: {
    'vgrp_NqKE50ap1ldgBL': 'optn_NqKE50y601ldgB',
  .then((response) => console.log(response.available));
Method Description
checkQuantity(checkoutTokenId, lineItemId, variantData) Checks whether the requested quantity for the line item or item variant/variant group and option is available

Check discount code

The checkDiscount() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/check/discount?code=ABC123ZYX to validate a discount code for the provided checkout token, and applies it to the order if it is valid.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkDiscount('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', {
  code: 'ABC123ZYX',
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
checkDiscount(token, data) Checks whether a discount code is valid

For more information, refer to the full response for checking if a discount code is valid.

Check shipping method

The checkShippingOption() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/check/shipping to validate a shipping method for the provided checkout token, and applies it to the order.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.checkShippingOption('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', {
  shipping_option_id: 'ship_31q0o3e21lDdjR',
  country: 'US',
  region: 'CA',
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
checkShippingOption(token, data) Checks whether a shipping method is valid

Get shipping methods

The getShippingOptions() method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/helper/shipping_options to return a list of available shipping methods for the provided checkout token.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.getShippingOptions('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', {
  country: 'US',
  region: 'CA',
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
getShippingOptions(token, data) Gets the available shipping options

Set tax zone

The setTaxZone() helper method uses GET v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/helper/set_tax_zone to set the tax zone for the provided checkout token, either automatically from a provided IP address, or by the geographic data provided in the request arguments.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.setTaxZone('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', {
  country: 'US',
  region: 'CA',
  postal_zip_code: '94107',
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
setTaxZone(identifier, data) Sets the geographic zone for tax calculation

For more information, refer to the full response for setting the tax zone.

Get validation rules

The helperValidation() helper method uses GET /v1/checkouts/{checkout_token_id}/helper/validation to generate client-side validation rules which can be passed directly into most JavaScript validation libraries. Ensure the form input names match the names in the response e.g. shipping[name] is used as the value for the name attribute in your shipping name input field.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');

commerce.checkout.helperValidation('chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA').then((response) => console.log(response.rules));
Method Description
helperValidation(token) Gets any applicable validation rules

For more information, refer to the full response for getting client-side validation rules.


The Services endpoint are additional checkout helpers service methods.

List all countries

The localeListCountries() method uses GET v1/services/locale/countries to return a list of all countries registered in the platform. See List available shipping countries for an equivalent list of countries that can be shipped to your account.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}'); => console.log(response));
Method Description
localeListCountries() List all countries

List all subdivisions for a country

The localeListSubdivisions() method uses GET v1/services/locale/{country_code}/subdivisions to return a list of all subdivisions (states, provinces, or regions) for a country, given a valid country code is provided. See List available shipping subdivisions for country for an equivalent list of subdivisions that can be shipped to for your account.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';

const commerce = new Commerce('{your_public_key}');'US').then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
localeListSubdivisions() List all subdivisions (states, provinces, or regions)

List available shipping countries

The localeListShippingCountries() method at GET v1/services/locale/{checkout_token_id}/countries returns only the countries which can be shipped to the current checkout.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';'chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA').then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
localeListShippingCountries(token) List all countries that can be shipped to for a checkout token

For more information, refer to the full response for listing available shipping countries.

List available shipping subdivisions

The localeListShippingSubdivisions() method at GET v1/services/locale/{checkout_token_id}/countries/{country_code}/subdivisions returns only the subdivisions (states, provinces, or regions) in a country which can be shipped to for the current checkout.

Example request using Commerce.js:

import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js';'chkt_L5z3kmQpdpkGlA', 'US').then((response) => console.log(response));
Method Description
localeListShippingSubdivisions(token, countryCode) List all subdivisions/regions/states in a country which can be shipped to for the current checkout.

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